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Upgrading to v0.x

This page summarizes the breaking changes between Crawlee for Python zero-based versions.

Upgrading to v0.6

This section summarizes the breaking changes between v0.5.x and v0.6.0.


  • Removed HttpCrawlerOptions - which contained options from BasicCrawlerOptions and unique options additional_http_error_status_codes and ignore_http_error_status_codes. Both of the unique options were added to BasicCrawlerOptions instead.


  • The signature of the HttpClient class has been updated. The constructor parameters additional_http_error_status_codes and ignore_http_error_status_codes have been removed and are now only available in BasicCrawlerOptions.
  • The method _raise_for_error_status_code has been removed from HttpClient. Its logic has been moved to the BasicCrawler class.


  • Replaces the dict used for cookie storage in Session.cookies with a new SessionCookies class. SessionCookies uses CookieJar, which enables support for multiple domains.

PlaywrightCrawler and PlaywrightBrowserPlugin

  • PlaywrightCrawler now use a persistent browser context instead of the standard browser context.
  • Added user_data_dir parameter for PlaywrightCrawler and PlaywrightBrowserPlugin to specify the directory for the persistent context. If not provided, a temporary directory will be created automatically.


The Configuration fields chrome_executable_path, xvfb, and verbose_log have been removed. The chrome_executable_path and xvfb fields were unused, while verbose_log can be replaced by setting log_level to DEBUG.

CLI dependencies

CLI dependencies have been moved to optional dependencies. If you need the CLI, install crawlee[cli]

Abstract base classes

We decided to move away from Hungarian notation and remove all the Base prefixes from the abstract classes. It includes the following public classes:

  • BaseStorageClient -> StorageClient
  • BaseBrowserController -> BrowserController
  • BaseBrowserPlugin -> BrowserPlugin


The EnqueueStrategy has been changed from an enum to a string literal type. All its values and their meaning remain unchanged.

Upgrading to v0.5

This section summarizes the breaking changes between v0.4.x and v0.5.0.

Crawlers & CrawlingContexts

  • All crawler and crawling context classes have been consolidated into a single sub-package called crawlers.
  • The affected classes include: AbstractHttpCrawler, AbstractHttpParser, BasicCrawler, BasicCrawlerOptions, BasicCrawlingContext, BeautifulSoupCrawler, BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext, BeautifulSoupParserType, ContextPipeline, HttpCrawler, HttpCrawlerOptions, HttpCrawlingContext, HttpCrawlingResult, ParsedHttpCrawlingContext, ParselCrawler, ParselCrawlingContext, PlaywrightCrawler, PlaywrightCrawlingContext, PlaywrightPreNavCrawlingContext.

Example update:

- from crawlee.beautifulsoup_crawler import BeautifulSoupCrawler, BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext
+ from crawlee.crawlers import BeautifulSoupCrawler, BeautifulSoupCrawlingContext

Storage clients

  • All storage client classes have been moved into a single sub-package called storage_clients.
  • The affected classes include: MemoryStorageClient, BaseStorageClient.

Example update:

- from crawlee.memory_storage_client import MemoryStorageClient
+ from crawlee.storage_clients import MemoryStorageClient


  • The CurlImpersonateHttpClient changed its import location.

Example update:

- from crawlee.http_clients.curl_impersonate import CurlImpersonateHttpClient
+ from crawlee.http_clients import CurlImpersonateHttpClient


  • Renamed BeautifulSoupParser to BeautifulSoupParserType. Probably used only in type hints. Please replace previous usages of BeautifulSoupParser by BeautifulSoupParserType.
  • BeautifulSoupParser is now a new class that is used in refactored class BeautifulSoupCrawler.

Service locator

  • The crawlee.service_container was completely refactored and renamed to crawlee.service_locator.
  • You can use it to set the configuration, event manager or storage client globally. Or you can pass them to your crawler instance directly and it will use the service locator under the hood.


  • The crawlee.statistics.Statistics class do not accept an event manager as an input argument anymore. It uses the default, global one.
  • If you want to set your custom event manager, do it either via the service locator or pass it to the crawler.


  • The properties json_ and order_no were removed. They were there only for the internal purpose of the memory storage client, you should not need them.

Request storages and loaders

  • The request_provider parameter of BasicCrawler.__init__ has been renamed to request_manager
  • The BasicCrawler.get_request_provider method has been renamed to BasicCrawler.get_request_manager and it does not accept the id and name arguments anymore
    • If using a specific request queue is desired, pass it as the request_manager on BasicCrawler creation
  • The RequestProvider interface has been renamed to RequestManager and moved to the crawlee.request_loaders package
  • RequestList has been moved to the crawlee.request_loaders package
  • RequestList does not support .drop(), .reclaim_request(), .add_request() and add_requests_batched() anymore
    • It implements the new RequestLoader interface instead of RequestManager
    • RequestManagerTandem with a RequestQueue should be used to enable passing a RequestList (or any other RequestLoader implementation) as a request_manager, await list.to_tandem() can be used as a shortcut


  • The PlaywrightPreNavigationContext was renamed to PlaywrightPreNavCrawlingContext.
  • The input arguments in PlaywrightCrawler.__init__ have been renamed:
    • browser_options is now browser_launch_options,
    • page_options is now browser_new_context_options.
  • These argument renaming changes have also been applied to BrowserPool, PlaywrightBrowserPlugin, and PlaywrightBrowserController.

Upgrading to v0.4

This section summarizes the breaking changes between v0.3.x and v0.4.0.

Request model

  • The Request.query_params field has been removed. Please add query parameters directly to the URL, which was possible before as well, and is now the only supported approach.
  • The Request.payload and fields have been consolidated. Now, only Request.payload remains, and it should be used for all payload data in requests.

Extended unique key computation

  • The computation of extended_unique_key now includes HTTP headers. While this change impacts the behavior, the interface remains the same.

Upgrading to v0.3

This section summarizes the breaking changes between v0.2.x and v0.3.0.

Public and private interface declaration

In previous versions, the majority of the package was fully public, including many elements intended for internal use only. With the release of v0.3, we have clearly defined the public and private interface of the package. As a result, some imports have been updated (see below). If you are importing something now designated as private, we recommend reconsidering its use or discussing your use case with us in the discussions/issues.

Here is a list of the updated public imports:

- from crawlee.enqueue_strategy import EnqueueStrategy
+ from crawlee import EnqueueStrategy
- from crawlee.models import Request
+ from crawlee import Request
- from crawlee.basic_crawler import Router
+ from crawlee.router import Router

Request queue

There were internal changes that should not affect the intended usage:

  • The unused BaseRequestQueueClient.list_requests() method was removed
  • RequestQueue internals were updated to match the "Request Queue V2" implementation in Crawlee for JS

Service container

A new module, crawlee.service_container, was added to allow management of "global instances" - currently it contains Configuration, EventManager and BaseStorageClient. The module also replaces the StorageClientManager static class. It is likely that its interface will change in the future. If your use case requires working with it, please get in touch - we'll be glad to hear any feedback.