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Monitors and logs system resource usage at predefined intervals for performance optimization.

The class monitors and records the state of various system resources (CPU, memory, event loop, and client API) at predefined intervals. This continuous monitoring helps in identifying resource overloads and ensuring optimal performance of the application. It is utilized in the AutoscaledPool module to adjust task allocation dynamically based on the current demand and system load.




  • __init__(event_manager, *, event_loop_snapshot_interval, client_snapshot_interval, max_used_cpu_ratio, max_memory_size, max_used_memory_ratio, max_event_loop_delay, max_client_errors, snapshot_history, available_memory_ratio, reserve_memory_ratio, memory_warning_cooldown_period, client_rate_limit_error_retry_count): None
  • Creates a new instance.


    • event_manager: EventManager
    • event_loop_snapshot_interval: timedelta = timedelta(milliseconds=500)keyword-only
    • client_snapshot_interval: timedelta = timedelta(milliseconds=1000)keyword-only
    • max_used_cpu_ratio: float = 0.95keyword-only
    • max_memory_size: ByteSize | None = Nonekeyword-only
    • max_used_memory_ratio: float = 0.9keyword-only
    • max_event_loop_delay: timedelta = timedelta(milliseconds=50)keyword-only
    • max_client_errors: int = 1keyword-only
    • snapshot_history: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=30)keyword-only
    • available_memory_ratio: float | None = Nonekeyword-only
    • reserve_memory_ratio: float = 0.5keyword-only
    • memory_warning_cooldown_period: timedelta = timedelta(milliseconds=10000)keyword-only
    • client_rate_limit_error_retry_count: int = 2keyword-only

    Returns None



  • async __aenter__(): Snapshotter
  • Starts capturing snapshots at configured intervals.

    Returns Snapshotter


  • async __aexit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): None
  • Stops all resource capturing.

    This method stops capturing snapshots of system resources (CPU, memory, event loop, and client information). It should be called to terminate resource capturing when it is no longer needed.


    • exc_type: type[BaseException] | None
    • exc_value: BaseException | None
    • exc_traceback: TracebackType | None

    Returns None


  • get_client_sample(duration): list[Snapshot]
  • Parameters

    • duration: timedelta | None = None

    Returns list[Snapshot]


  • get_cpu_sample(duration): list[Snapshot]
  • Parameters

    • duration: timedelta | None = None

    Returns list[Snapshot]


  • get_event_loop_sample(duration): list[Snapshot]
  • Parameters

    • duration: timedelta | None = None

    Returns list[Snapshot]


  • get_memory_sample(duration): list[Snapshot]
  • Parameters

    • duration: timedelta | None = None

    Returns list[Snapshot]