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Represent a single user session, managing cookies, error states, and usage limits.

A Session simulates a specific user with attributes like cookies, IP (via proxy), and potentially a unique browser fingerprint. It maintains its internal state, which can include custom user data (e.g., authorization tokens or headers) and tracks its usability through metrics such as error score, usage count, and expiration.




  • __eq__(other): bool
  • Compare two sessions for equality.


    • other: object

    Returns bool


  • __init__(*, id, max_age, user_data, max_error_score, error_score_decrement, created_at, usage_count, max_usage_count, error_score, cookies, blocked_status_codes): None
  • A default constructor.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyid: str | None = None

      Unique identifier for the session, autogenerated if not provided.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_age: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=50)

      Time duration after which the session expires.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyuser_data: dict | None = None

      Custom user data associated with the session.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_error_score: float = 3.0

      Threshold score beyond which the session is considered blocked.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyerror_score_decrement: float = 0.5

      Value by which the error score is decremented on successful operations.

    • optionalkeyword-onlycreated_at: datetime | None = None

      Timestamp when the session was created, defaults to current UTC time if not provided.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyusage_count: int = 0

      Number of times the session has been used.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_usage_count: int = 50

      Maximum allowable uses of the session before it is considered expired.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyerror_score: float = 0.0

      Current error score of the session.

    • optionalkeyword-onlycookies: dict[str, str] | None = None

      Cookies associated with the session.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyblocked_status_codes: list | None = None

      HTTP status codes that indicate a session should be blocked.

    Returns None


  • __repr__(): str
  • Get a string representation.

    Returns str



  • get_state(*: , as_dict?: bool): SessionModel | dict
  • get_state(*: , as_dict: Literal[true]): dict
  • get_state(*: , as_dict: Literal[false]): SessionModel
  • Retrieve the current state of the session either as a model or as a dictionary.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyas_dict: bool = False

    Returns SessionModel | dict


  • is_blocked_status_code(*, status_code, additional_blocked_status_codes, ignore_http_error_status_codes): bool
  • Evaluate whether a session should be retired based on the received HTTP status code.


    • keyword-onlystatus_code: int

      The HTTP status code received from a server response.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyadditional_blocked_status_codes: set[int] | None = None

      Optional additional status codes that should trigger session retirement.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyignore_http_error_status_codes: set[int] | None = None

      Optional status codes to allow suppression of codes from blocked_status_codes.

    Returns bool


  • mark_bad(): None
  • Mark the session as bad after an unsuccessful session usage.

    Returns None


  • mark_good(): None
  • Mark the session as good. Should be called after a successful session usage.

    Returns None


  • retire(): None
  • Retire the session by setting the error score to the maximum value.

    This method should be used if the session usage was unsuccessful and you are sure that it is because of the session configuration and not any external matters. For example when server returns 403 status code. If the session does not work due to some external factors as server error such as 5XX you probably want to use mark_bad method.

    Returns None



cookies: dict[str, str]

Get the cookies.


error_score: float

Get the current error score.


expires_at: datetime

Get the expiration datetime of the session.


id: str

Get the session ID.


is_blocked: bool

Indicate whether the session is blocked based on the error score..


is_expired: bool

Indicate whether the session is expired based on the current time.


is_max_usage_count_reached: bool

Indicate whether the session has reached its maximum usage limit.


is_usable: bool

Determine if the session is usable for next requests.


usage_count: float

Get the current usage count.


user_data: dict

Get the user data.