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A crawling request with information about locks.





  • from_url(url, *, method, headers, payload, label, unique_key, id, keep_url_fragment, use_extended_unique_key, always_enqueue, kwargs): Self
  • Create a new Request instance from a URL.

    This is recommended constructor for creating new Request instances. It generates a Request object from a given URL with additional options to customize HTTP method, payload, unique key, and other request properties. If no unique_key or id is provided, they are computed automatically based on the URL, method and payload. It depends on the keep_url_fragment and use_extended_unique_key flags.


    • url: str

      The URL of the request.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymethod: HttpMethod = 'GET'

      The HTTP method of the request.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyheaders: (HttpHeaders | dict[str, str]) | None = None

      The HTTP headers of the request.

    • optionalkeyword-onlypayload: (HttpPayload | str) | None = None

      The data to be sent as the request body. Typically used with 'POST' or 'PUT' requests.

    • optionalkeyword-onlylabel: str | None = None

      A custom label to differentiate between request types. This is stored in user_data, and it is used for request routing (different requests go to different handlers).

    • optionalkeyword-onlyunique_key: str | None = None

      A unique key identifying the request. If not provided, it is automatically computed based on the URL and other parameters. Requests with the same unique_key are treated as identical.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyid: str | None = None

      A unique identifier for the request. If not provided, it is automatically generated from the unique_key.

    • optionalkeyword-onlykeep_url_fragment: bool = False

      Determines whether the URL fragment (e.g., `section`) should be included in the unique_key computation. This is only relevant when unique_key is not provided.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyuse_extended_unique_key: bool = False

      Determines whether to include the HTTP method and payload in the unique_key computation. This is only relevant when unique_key is not provided.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyalways_enqueue: bool = False

      If set to True, the request will be enqueued even if it is already present in the queue. Using this is not allowed when a custom unique_key is also provided and will result in a ValueError.

    • kwargs: Any

    Returns Self


  • get_query_param_from_url(param, *, default): str | None
  • Get the value of a specific query parameter from the URL.


    • param: str
    • optionalkeyword-onlydefault: str | None = None

    Returns str | None



crawl_depth: int

The depth of the request in the crawl tree.


crawlee_data: CrawleeRequestData

Crawlee-specific configuration stored in the user_data.


enqueue_strategy: EnqueueStrategy

The strategy used when enqueueing the request.


forefront: bool

Indicate whether the request should be enqueued at the front of the queue.


handled_at: datetime | None

Timestamp when the request was handled.


headers: HttpHeaders

HTTP request headers.


id: str

A unique identifier for the request. Note that this is not used for deduplication, and should not be confused with unique_key.


label: str | None

A string used to differentiate between arbitrary request types.


last_proxy_tier: int | None

The last proxy tier used to process the request.


loaded_url: str | None

URL of the web page that was loaded. This can differ from the original URL in case of redirects.


lock_expires_at: datetime

The timestamp when the lock expires.


max_retries: int | None

Crawlee-specific limit on the number of retries of the request.


method: HttpMethod

HTTP request method.


model_config: Undefined


no_retry: bool

If set to True, the request will not be retried in case of failure.


payload: HttpPayload | None

HTTP request payload.


retry_count: int

Number of times the request has been retried.


session_rotation_count: int | None

Crawlee-specific number of finished session rotations for the request.


state: RequestState | None

Crawlee-specific request handling state.


unique_key: str

A unique key identifying the request. Two requests with the same unique_key are considered as pointing to the same URL.

If unique_key is not provided, then it is automatically generated by normalizing the URL. For example, the URL of HTTP:// will produce the unique_key of

Pass an arbitrary non-empty text value to the unique_key property to override the default behavior and specify which URLs shall be considered equal.


url: str

The URL of the web page to crawl. Must be a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL, and may include query parameters and fragments.


user_data: dict[str, JsonSerializable]

Custom user data assigned to the request. Use this to save any request related data to the request's scope, keeping them accessible on retries, failures etc.