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Represents a key-value based storage for reading and writing data records or files.

Each data record is identified by a unique key and associated with a specific MIME content type. This class is commonly used in crawler runs to store inputs and outputs, typically in JSON format, but it also supports other content types.

Data can be stored either locally or in the cloud. It depends on the setup of underlying storage client. By default a MemoryStorageClient is used, but it can be changed to a different one.

By default, data is stored using the following path structure:

  • {CRAWLEE_STORAGE_DIR}: The root directory for all storage data specified by the environment variable.
  • {STORE_ID}: The identifier for the key-value store, either "default" or as specified by CRAWLEE_DEFAULT_KEY_VALUE_STORE_ID.
  • {KEY}: The unique key for the record.
  • {EXT}: The file extension corresponding to the MIME type of the content.

To open a key-value store, use the open class method, providing an id, name, or optional configuration. If none are specified, the default store for the current crawler run is used. Attempting to open a store by id that does not exist will raise an error; however, if accessed by name, the store will be created if it does not already exist.


from crawlee.storages import KeyValueStore

kvs = await'my_kvs')





  • __init__(id, name, storage_client): None
  • Parameters

    Returns None


  • async drop(): None
  • Drop the storage, removing it from the underlying storage client and clearing the cache.

    Returns None


  • from_storage_object(storage_client, storage_object): KeyValueStore


  • async get_auto_saved_value(key, default_value): dict[str, JsonSerializable]
  • Get a value from KVS that will be automatically saved on changes.


    • key: str

      Key of the record, to store the value.

    • optionaldefault_value: dict[str, JsonSerializable] | None = None

      Value to be used if the record does not exist yet. Should be a dictionary.

    Returns dict[str, JsonSerializable]


  • Get an object containing general information about the key value store.

    Returns KeyValueStoreMetadata | None


  • async get_public_url(key): str
  • Get the public URL for the given key.


    • key: str

      Key of the record for which URL is required.

    Returns str


  • async get_value(key: str, default_value?: T | None): T | None
  • async get_value(key: str): Any
  • async get_value(key: str, default_value: T): T
  • async get_value(key: str, default_value?: T | None): T | None
  • Get a value from the KVS.


    • key: str

      Key of the record to retrieve.

    • optionaldefault_value: T | None = None

      Default value returned in case the record does not exist.

    Returns T | None


  • Iterate over the existing keys in the KVS.


    • optionalexclusive_start_key: str | None = None

      Key to start the iteration from.

    Returns AsyncIterator[KeyValueStoreKeyInfo]


  • async open(*, id, name, configuration, storage_client): Storage
  • Open a storage, either restore existing or create a new one.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyid: str | None = None

      The storage ID.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyname: str | None = None

      The storage name.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyconfiguration: Configuration | None = None

      Configuration object used during the storage creation or restoration process.

    • optionalkeyword-onlystorage_client: StorageClient | None = None

      Underlying storage client to use. If not provided, the default global storage client from the service locator will be used.

    Returns Storage


  • async persist_autosaved_values(): None
  • Force persistent values to be saved without waiting for an event in Event Manager.

    Returns None


  • async set_value(key, value, content_type): None
  • Set a value in the KVS.


    • key: str

      Key of the record to set.

    • value: Any

      Value to set. If None, the record is deleted.

    • optionalcontent_type: str | None = None

      Content type of the record.

    Returns None


  • storage_object(storage_object): None



id: str

Get the storage ID.


name: str | None

Get the storage name.


storage_object: StorageMetadata

Get the full storage object.