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Log formatter that prints out the log message nicely formatted, with colored level and stringified extra fields.

It formats the log records so that they:

  • start with the level (colorized, and padded to 5 chars so that it is nicely aligned)
  • then have the actual log message, if it's multiline then it's nicely indented
  • then have the stringified extra log fields
  • then, if an exception is a part of the log record, prints the formatted exception.




  • __init__(*, include_logger_name, args, kwargs): None
  • A default constructor.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyinclude_logger_name: bool = True

      Include logger name at the beginning of the log line.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyargs: Any

      Arguments passed to the parent class.

    • optionalkeyword-onlykwargs: Any

      Keyword arguments passed to the parent class.

    Returns None


  • format(*, record): str
  • Format the log record nicely.

    This formats the log record so that it:

    • starts with the level (colorized, and padded to 5 chars so that it is nicely aligned)
    • then has the actual log message, if it's multiline then it's nicely indented
    • then has the stringified extra log fields
    • then, if an exception is a part of the log record, prints the formatted exception.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyrecord: logging.LogRecord

    Returns str



empty_record: Undefined
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