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A basic web crawler providing a framework for crawling websites.

The BasicCrawler provides a low-level functionality for crawling websites, allowing users to define their own page download and data extraction logic. It is designed mostly to be subclassed by crawlers with specific purposes. In most cases, you will want to use a more specialized crawler, such as HttpCrawler, BeautifulSoupCrawler, ParselCrawler, or PlaywrightCrawler. If you are an advanced user and want full control over the crawling process, you can subclass the BasicCrawler and implement the request-handling logic yourself.

The crawling process begins with URLs provided by a RequestProvider instance. Each request is then handled by a user-defined request_handler function, which processes the page and extracts the data.

The BasicCrawler includes several common features for crawling, such as:

  • automatic scaling based on the system resources,
  • retries for failed requests,
  • session management,
  • statistics tracking,
  • request routing via labels,
  • proxy rotation,
  • direct storage interaction helpers,
  • and more.





  • __init__(*, configuration, event_manager, storage_client, request_manager, session_pool, proxy_configuration, http_client, request_handler, max_request_retries, max_requests_per_crawl, max_session_rotations, max_crawl_depth, use_session_pool, retry_on_blocked, concurrency_settings, request_handler_timeout, statistics, abort_on_error, keep_alive, configure_logging, _context_pipeline, _additional_context_managers, _logger): None
  • A default constructor.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyconfiguration: Configuration | None = None

      The Configuration instance. Some of its properties are used as defaults for the crawler.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyevent_manager: EventManager | None = None

      The event manager for managing events for the crawler and all its components.

    • optionalkeyword-onlystorage_client: StorageClient | None = None

      The storage client for managing storages for the crawler and all its components.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyrequest_manager: RequestManager | None = None

      Manager of requests that should be processed by the crawler.

    • optionalkeyword-onlysession_pool: SessionPool | None = None

      A custom SessionPool instance, allowing the use of non-default configuration.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyproxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None

      HTTP proxy configuration used when making requests.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyhttp_client: HttpClient | None = None

      HTTP client used by BasicCrawlingContext.send_request method.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyrequest_handler: Callable[[TCrawlingContext], Awaitable[None]] | None = None

      A callable responsible for handling requests.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_request_retries: int = 3

      Maximum number of attempts to process a single request.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_requests_per_crawl: int | None = None

      Maximum number of pages to open during a crawl. The crawl stops upon reaching this limit. Setting this value can help avoid infinite loops in misconfigured crawlers. None means no limit. Due to concurrency settings, the actual number of pages visited may slightly exceed this value. If used together with keep_alive, then the crawler will be kept alive only until max_requests_per_crawl is achieved.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_session_rotations: int = 10

      Maximum number of session rotations per request. The crawler rotates the session if a proxy error occurs or if the website blocks the request.

    • optionalkeyword-onlymax_crawl_depth: int | None = None

      Specifies the maximum crawl depth. If set, the crawler will stop processing links beyond this depth. The crawl depth starts at 0 for initial requests and increases with each subsequent level of links. Requests at the maximum depth will still be processed, but no new links will be enqueued from those requests. If not set, crawling continues without depth restrictions.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyuse_session_pool: bool = True

      Enable the use of a session pool for managing sessions during crawling.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyretry_on_blocked: bool = True

      If True, the crawler attempts to bypass bot protections automatically.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyconcurrency_settings: ConcurrencySettings | None = None

      Settings to fine-tune concurrency levels.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyrequest_handler_timeout: timedelta = timedelta(minutes=1)

      Maximum duration allowed for a single request handler to run.

    • optionalkeyword-onlystatistics: Statistics[TStatisticsState] | None = None

      A custom Statistics instance, allowing the use of non-default configuration.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyabort_on_error: bool = False

      If True, the crawler stops immediately when any request handler error occurs.

    • optionalkeyword-onlykeep_alive: bool = False

      If True, it will keep crawler alive even if there are no requests in queue. Use crawler.stop() to exit the crawler.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyconfigure_logging: bool = True

      If True, the crawler will set up logging infrastructure automatically.

    • optionalkeyword-only_context_pipeline: ContextPipeline[TCrawlingContext] | None = None

      Enables extending the request lifecycle and modifying the crawling context. Intended for use by subclasses rather than direct instantiation of BasicCrawler.

    • optionalkeyword-only_additional_context_managers: Sequence[AbstractAsyncContextManager] | None = None

      Additional context managers used throughout the crawler lifecycle. Intended for use by subclasses rather than direct instantiation of BasicCrawler.

    • optionalkeyword-only_logger: logging.Logger | None = None

      A logger instance, typically provided by a subclass, for consistent logging labels. Intended for use by subclasses rather than direct instantiation of BasicCrawler.

    Returns None


  • async add_requests(requests, *, batch_size, wait_time_between_batches, wait_for_all_requests_to_be_added, wait_for_all_requests_to_be_added_timeout): None
  • Add requests to the underlying request manager in batches.


    • requests: Sequence[str | Request]

      A list of requests to add to the queue.

    • optionalkeyword-onlybatch_size: int = 1000

      The number of requests to add in one batch.

    • optionalkeyword-onlywait_time_between_batches: timedelta = timedelta(0)

      Time to wait between adding batches.

    • optionalkeyword-onlywait_for_all_requests_to_be_added: bool = False

      If True, wait for all requests to be added before returning.

    • optionalkeyword-onlywait_for_all_requests_to_be_added_timeout: timedelta | None = None

      Timeout for waiting for all requests to be added.

    Returns None



  • async export_data(path, dataset_id, dataset_name): None
  • Export data from a Dataset.

    This helper method simplifies the process of exporting data from a Dataset. It opens the specified one and then exports the data based on the provided parameters. If you need to pass options specific to the output format, use the export_data_csv or export_data_json method instead.


    • path: str | Path

      The destination path.

    • optionaldataset_id: str | None = None

      The ID of the Dataset.

    • optionaldataset_name: str | None = None

      The name of the Dataset.

    Returns None


  • async export_data_csv(path, *, dataset_id, dataset_name, kwargs): None
  • Export data from a Dataset to a CSV file.

    This helper method simplifies the process of exporting data from a Dataset in csv format. It opens the specified one and then exports the data based on the provided parameters.


    • path: str | Path

      The destination path.

    • optionalkeyword-onlydataset_id: str | None = None

      The ID of the Dataset.

    • optionalkeyword-onlydataset_name: str | None = None

      The name of the Dataset.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaldialect: str

      Specifies a dialect to be used in CSV parsing and writing.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaldelimiter: str

      A one-character string used to separate fields. Defaults to ','.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaldoublequote: bool

      Controls how instances of quotechar inside a field should be quoted. When True, the character is doubled; when False, the escapechar is used as a prefix. Defaults to True.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalescapechar: str

      A one-character string used to escape the delimiter if quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE and the quotechar if doublequote is False. Defaults to None, disabling escaping.

    • keyword-onlyoptionallineterminator: str

      The string used to terminate lines produced by the writer. Defaults to '\r\n'.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalquotechar: str

      A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, like the delimiter or quotechar, or fields containing new-line characters. Defaults to '"'.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalquoting: int

      Controls when quotes should be generated by the writer and recognized by the reader. Can take any of the QUOTE_* constants, with a default of QUOTE_MINIMAL.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalskipinitialspace: bool

      When True, spaces immediately following the delimiter are ignored. Defaults to False.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalstrict: bool

      When True, raises an exception on bad CSV input. Defaults to False.

    Returns None


  • async export_data_json(path, *, dataset_id, dataset_name, kwargs): None
  • Export data from a Dataset to a JSON file.

    This helper method simplifies the process of exporting data from a Dataset in json format. It opens the specified one and then exports the data based on the provided parameters.


    • path: str | Path

      The destination path

    • optionalkeyword-onlydataset_id: str | None = None

      The ID of the Dataset.

    • optionalkeyword-onlydataset_name: str | None = None

      The name of the Dataset.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalskipkeys: bool

      If True (default: False), dict keys that are not of a basic type (str, int, float, bool, None) will be skipped instead of raising a TypeError.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalensure_ascii: bool

      Determines if non-ASCII characters should be escaped in the output JSON string.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalcheck_circular: bool

      If False (default: True), skips the circular reference check for container types. A circular reference will result in a RecursionError or worse if unchecked.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalallow_nan: bool

      If False (default: True), raises a ValueError for out-of-range float values (nan, inf, -inf) to strictly comply with the JSON specification. If True, uses their JavaScript equivalents (NaN, Infinity, -Infinity).

    • keyword-onlyoptionalcls: type[json.JSONEncoder]

      Allows specifying a custom JSON encoder.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalindent: int

      Specifies the number of spaces for indentation in the pretty-printed JSON output.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalseparators: tuple[str, str]

      A tuple of (item_separator, key_separator). The default is (', ', ': ') if indent is None and (',', ': ') otherwise.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaldefault: Callable

      A function called for objects that can't be serialized otherwise. It should return a JSON-encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalsort_keys: bool

      Specifies whether the output JSON object should have keys sorted alphabetically.

    Returns None



  • Retrieve data from a Dataset.

    This helper method simplifies the process of retrieving data from a Dataset. It opens the specified one and then retrieves the data based on the provided parameters.


    • optionaldataset_id: str | None = None

      The ID of the Dataset.

    • optionaldataset_name: str | None = None

      The name of the Dataset.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaloffset: int

      Skips the specified number of items at the start.

    • keyword-onlyoptionallimit: int

      The maximum number of items to retrieve. Unlimited if None.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalclean: bool

      Return only non-empty items and excludes hidden fields. Shortcut for skip_hidden and skip_empty.

    • keyword-onlyoptionaldesc: bool

      Set to True to sort results in descending order.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalfields: list[str]

      Fields to include in each item. Sorts fields as specified if provided.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalomit: list[str]

      Fields to exclude from each item.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalunwind: str

      Unwinds items by a specified array field, turning each element into a separate item.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalskip_empty: bool

      Excludes empty items from the results if True.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalskip_hidden: bool

      Excludes fields starting with '#' if True.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalflatten: list[str]

      Fields to be flattened in returned items.

    • keyword-onlyoptionalview: str

      Specifies the dataset view to be used.

    Returns DatasetItemsListPage


  • async get_dataset(*, id, name): Dataset
  • Return the Dataset with the given ID or name. If none is provided, return the default one.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyid: str | None = None
    • optionalkeyword-onlyname: str | None = None

    Returns Dataset


  • Return the KeyValueStore with the given ID or name. If none is provided, return the default KVS.


    • optionalkeyword-onlyid: str | None = None
    • optionalkeyword-onlyname: str | None = None

    Returns KeyValueStore


  • Return the configured request manager. If none is configured, open and return the default request queue.

    Returns RequestManager


  • router(router): None


  • Run the crawler until all requests are processed.


    • optionalrequests: Sequence[str | Request] | None = None

      The requests to be enqueued before the crawler starts.

    • optionalkeyword-onlypurge_request_queue: bool = True

      If this is True and the crawler is not being run for the first time, the default request queue will be purged.

    Returns FinalStatistics


  • stop(reason): None
  • Set flag to stop crawler.

    This stops current crawler run regardless of whether all requests were finished.


    • optionalreason: str = 'Stop was called externally.'

      Reason for stopping that will be used in logs.

    Returns None



log: logging.Logger

The logger used by the crawler.


The Router used to handle each individual crawling request.


Statistics about the current (or last) crawler run.