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Version: 3.10

JSDOM crawler

This example demonstrates how to use JSDOMCrawler to interact with a website using jsdom DOM implementation. Here the script will open a calculator app from the React examples, click 1 + 1 = and extract the result.

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import { JSDOMCrawler, log } from 'crawlee';

// Create an instance of the JSDOMCrawler class - crawler that automatically
// loads the URLs and parses their HTML using the jsdom library.
const crawler = new JSDOMCrawler({
// Setting the `runScripts` option to `true` allows the crawler to execute client-side
// JavaScript code on the page. This is required for some websites (such as the React application in this example), but may pose a security risk.
runScripts: true,
// This function will be called for each crawled URL.
// Here we extract the window object from the options and use it to extract data from the page.
requestHandler: async ({ window }) => {
const { document } = window;
// The `document` object is analogous to the `window.document` object you know from your favourite web browsers.
// Thanks to this, you can use the regular browser-side APIs here.
document.querySelectorAll('button')[12].click(); // 1
document.querySelectorAll('button')[15].click(); // +
document.querySelectorAll('button')[12].click(); // 1
document.querySelectorAll('button')[18].click(); // =

const result = document.querySelectorAll('.component-display')[0].childNodes[0] as Element;
// The result is passed to the console. Unlike with Playwright or Puppeteer crawlers,
// this console call goes to the Node.js console, not the browser console. All the code here runs right in Node.js!; // 2

// Run the crawler and wait for it to finish.

log.debug('Crawler finished.');

In the following example, we use JSDOMCrawler to crawl a list of URLs from an external file, load each URL using a plain HTTP request, parse the HTML using the jsdom DOM implementation and extract some data from it: the page title and all h1 tags.

Run on
import { JSDOMCrawler, log, LogLevel } from 'crawlee';

// Crawlers come with various utilities, e.g. for logging.
// Here we use debug level of logging to improve the debugging experience.
// This functionality is optional!

// Create an instance of the JSDOMCrawler class - a crawler
// that automatically loads the URLs and parses their HTML using the jsdom library.
const crawler = new JSDOMCrawler({
// The crawler downloads and processes the web pages in parallel, with a concurrency
// automatically managed based on the available system memory and CPU (see AutoscaledPool class).
// Here we define some hard limits for the concurrency.
minConcurrency: 10,
maxConcurrency: 50,

// On error, retry each page at most once.
maxRequestRetries: 1,

// Increase the timeout for processing of each page.
requestHandlerTimeoutSecs: 30,

// Limit to 10 requests per one crawl
maxRequestsPerCrawl: 10,

// This function will be called for each URL to crawl.
// It accepts a single parameter, which is an object with options as:
// We use for demonstration only 2 of them:
// - request: an instance of the Request class with information such as the URL that is being crawled and HTTP method
// - window: the JSDOM window object
async requestHandler({ pushData, request, window }) {
log.debug(`Processing ${request.url}...`);

// Extract data from the page
const title = window.document.title;
const h1texts: { text: string }[] = [];
window.document.querySelectorAll('h1').forEach((element) => {
text: element.textContent!,

// Store the results to the dataset. In local configuration,
// the data will be stored as JSON files in ./storage/datasets/default
await pushData({
url: request.url,

// This function is called if the page processing failed more than maxRequestRetries + 1 times.
failedRequestHandler({ request }) {
log.debug(`Request ${request.url} failed twice.`);

// Run the crawler and wait for it to finish.

log.debug('Crawler finished.');