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Version: 3.10

Using puppeteer-extra and playwright-extra

puppeteer-extra and playwright-extra are community-built libraries that bring in a plugin system to enhance the usage of puppeteer and playwright respectively (bringing in extra functionality, like improving stealth for example by using the Puppeteer Stealth plugin (puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth)).

Available plugins

You can see a list of available plugins on the puppeteer-extras plugin list.

For playwright, please see playwright-extras plugin list instead.

In this example, we'll show you how to use the Puppeteer Stealth (puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth) plugin to help you avoid bot detections when crawling your target website.

Before you begin

Make sure you've installed the Puppeteer Extra (puppeteer-extra) and Puppeteer Stealth plugin(puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth) packages via your preferred package manager

npm install puppeteer-extra puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth

To run this example on the Apify Platform, select the apify/actor-node-puppeteer-chrome image for your Dockerfile.

Run on
import { PuppeteerCrawler } from 'crawlee';
import puppeteerExtra from 'puppeteer-extra';
import stealthPlugin from 'puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth';

// First, we tell puppeteer-extra to use the plugin (or plugins) we want.
// Certain plugins might have options you can pass in - read up on their documentation!

// Create an instance of the PuppeteerCrawler class - a crawler
// that automatically loads the URLs in headless Chrome / Puppeteer.
const crawler = new PuppeteerCrawler({
launchContext: {
// !!! You need to specify this option to tell Crawlee to use puppeteer-extra as the launcher !!!
launcher: puppeteerExtra,
launchOptions: {
// Other puppeteer options work as usual
headless: true,

// Stop crawling after several pages
maxRequestsPerCrawl: 50,

// This function will be called for each URL to crawl.
// Here you can write the Puppeteer scripts you are familiar with,
// with the exception that browsers and pages are automatically managed by Crawlee.
// The function accepts a single parameter, which is an object with the following fields:
// - request: an instance of the Request class with information such as URL and HTTP method
// - page: Puppeteer's Page object (see
async requestHandler({ pushData, request, page, enqueueLinks, log }) {`Processing ${request.url}...`);

// A function to be evaluated by Puppeteer within the browser context.
const data = await page.$$eval('.athing', ($posts) => {
const scrapedData: { title: string; rank: string; href: string }[] = [];

// We're getting the title, rank and URL of each post on Hacker News.
$posts.forEach(($post) => {
title: $post.querySelector('.title a').innerText,
rank: $post.querySelector('.rank').innerText,
href: $post.querySelector('.title a').href,

return scrapedData;

// Store the results to the default dataset.
await pushData(data);

// Find a link to the next page and enqueue it if it exists.
const infos = await enqueueLinks({
selector: '.morelink',

if (infos.processedRequests.length === 0)`${request.url} is the last page!`);

// This function is called if the page processing failed more than maxRequestRetries+1 times.
failedRequestHandler({ request, log }) {
log.error(`Request ${request.url} failed too many times.`);

await crawler.addRequests(['']);

// Run the crawler and wait for it to finish.

console.log('Crawler finished.');