Current problems and mistakes of web scraping in Python and tricks to solve them!
Greetings! I'm Max, a Python developer from Ukraine, a developer with expertise in web scraping, data analysis, and processing.
My journey in web scraping started in 2016 when I was solving lead generation challenges for a small company. Initially, I used off-the-shelf solutions such as and Kimono Labs. However, I quickly encountered limitations such as blocking, inaccurate data extraction, and performance issues. This led me to learn Python. Those were the glory days when requests
and lxml
were enough to extract data from most websites. And if you knew how to work with threads, you were already a respected expert :)
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As a freelancer, I've built small solutions and large, complex data mining systems for products over the years.
Today, I want to discuss the realities of web scraping with Python in 2024. We'll look at the mistakes I sometimes see and the problems you'll encounter and offer solutions to some of them.
Let's get started.
Just take requests
and beautifulsoup
and start making a lot of money...
No, this is not that kind of article.