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Version: 3.11



Type Aliases


InterceptHandler: (request) => unknown

Type declaration

    • (request): unknown
    • Parameters

      • request: PuppeteerRequest

      Returns unknown



  • addInterceptRequestHandler(page, handler): Promise<void>
  • Adds request interception handler in similar to page.on('request', handler); but in addition to that supports multiple parallel handlers.

    All the handlers are executed sequentially in the order as they were added. Each of the handlers must call one of request.continue(), request.abort() and request.respond(). In addition to that any of the handlers may modify the request object (method, postData, headers) by passing its overrides to request.continue(). If multiple handlers modify same property then the last one wins. Headers are merged separately so you can override only a value of specific header.

    If one the handlers calls request.abort() or request.respond() then request is not propagated further to any of the remaining handlers.

    Example usage:

    // Replace images with placeholder.
    await addInterceptRequestHandler(page, (request) => {
    if (request.resourceType() === 'image') {
    return request.respond({
    statusCode: 200,
    contentType: 'image/jpeg',
    body: placeholderImageBuffer,
    return request.continue();

    // Abort all the scripts.
    await addInterceptRequestHandler(page, (request) => {
    if (request.resourceType() === 'script') return request.abort();
    return request.continue();

    // Change requests to post.
    await addInterceptRequestHandler(page, (request) => {
    return request.continue({
    method: 'POST',

    await page.goto('');


    Returns Promise<void>


  • removeInterceptRequestHandler(page, handler): Promise<void>
  • Removes request interception handler for given page.


    Returns Promise<void>