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Version: 3.10






addRequests: (requestsLike: readonly (string | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Partial<RequestOptions<Dictionary>> & { regex?: RegExp; requestsFromUrl?: string }> | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Request<Dictionary>>)[], options?: ReadonlyObjectDeep<RequestQueueOperationOptions>) => Promise<void>

Add requests directly to the request queue.

Type declaration

    • (requestsLike: readonly (string | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Partial<RequestOptions<Dictionary>> & { regex?: RegExp; requestsFromUrl?: string }> | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Request<Dictionary>>)[], options?: ReadonlyObjectDeep<RequestQueueOperationOptions>): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      • requestsLike: readonly (string | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Partial<RequestOptions<Dictionary>> & { regex?: RegExp; requestsFromUrl?: string }> | ReadonlyObjectDeep<Request<Dictionary>>)[]
      • optionaloptions: ReadonlyObjectDeep<RequestQueueOperationOptions>

        Options for the request queue

      Returns Promise<void>


enqueueLinks: (options?: ReadonlyObjectDeep<Omit<EnqueueLinksOptions, requestQueue>>) => Promise<unknown>

This function automatically finds and enqueues links from the current page, adding them to the RequestQueue currently used by the crawler.

Optionally, the function allows you to filter the target links' URLs using an array of globs or regular expressions and override settings of the enqueued Request objects.

Check out the Crawl a website with relative links example for more details regarding its usage.

Example usage

async requestHandler({ enqueueLinks }) {
await enqueueLinks({
globs: [

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      • optionaloptions: ReadonlyObjectDeep<Omit<EnqueueLinksOptions, requestQueue>>

        All enqueueLinks() parameters are passed via an options object.

      Returns Promise<unknown>


getKeyValueStore: (idOrName?: string) => Promise<Pick<KeyValueStore, id | name | getValue | getAutoSavedValue | setValue>>

Get a key-value store with given name or id, or the default one for the crawler.

Type declaration

    • (idOrName?: string): Promise<Pick<KeyValueStore, id | name | getValue | getAutoSavedValue | setValue>>
    • Parameters

      • optionalidOrName: string

      Returns Promise<Pick<KeyValueStore, id | name | getValue | getAutoSavedValue | setValue>>


log: Log

A preconfigured logger for the request handler.


querySelector: (selector: string, timeoutMs?: number) => Awaitable<Cheerio<Element>>

Wait for an element matching the selector to appear and return a Cheerio object of matched elements.

Type declaration

    • (selector: string, timeoutMs?: number): Awaitable<Cheerio<Element>>
    • Parameters

      • selector: string
      • optionaltimeoutMs: number

      Returns Awaitable<Cheerio<Element>>


request: Request<Dictionary>

The original Request object.


useState: <State>(defaultValue?: State) => Promise<State>

Returns the state - a piece of mutable persistent data shared across all the request handler runs.

Type declaration

    • <State>(defaultValue?: State): Promise<State>
    • Type parameters

      • State: Dictionary = Dictionary


      • optionaldefaultValue: State

      Returns Promise<State>



  • pushData(data?: ReadonlyDeep<Dictionary | Dictionary[]>, datasetIdOrName?: string): Promise<void>
  • This function allows you to push data to a Dataset specified by name, or the one currently used by the crawler.

    Shortcut for crawler.pushData().


    • optionaldata: ReadonlyDeep<Dictionary | Dictionary[]>

      Data to be pushed to the default dataset.

    • optionaldatasetIdOrName: string

    Returns Promise<void>